Franses, Michael Textile Art from
the Silk Road, Part I: Silk Embroideries, Brocades and Tapestries AD 900-1600 The Textile Gallery London 1998
14 color plates 20 pp. 5 x 13 Paperback in Very Good condition The Textile
Gallery exhibition catalog of 10th-16th century, mainly Chinese silk textiles.
Galloway, Francesca Indian Miniatures
Asian Textiles Francesca Galloway London 1998
31 color plates 48 pp. 9.75 x 12.75 Paperback in Very Good condition Dealer
exhibition of sales catalog. 11 color
plates on ancient Silk Road and other antique textiles.
Jacqueline Simcox Jacqueline Simcox Jacqueline Simcox Ltd. London
(1990s?) 15 color illustrations 8 pp. 8.254 x 11.75 Paperback pamphlet in Very
Good condition Dealer catalog of mainly Chinese textiles with a few Central
Asian Silk Road and Himalayan textiles shown.
Mallory, J.P. and V. Mair The Tarim Mummies:
Ancient China and the Mystery of the Earliest Peoples from the West New York 2000 13 color plates 177 black and white 352 pp. 7 x 10
Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition Silk Road excavation.
Matsumoto, Kaneo Joudai no sen shoku
(Textiles of Ancient Times) Chuo Koron Sha Tokyo 1982 57 full page color plates 30 black and
white 124 pp. 10.5 x 13.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Beautifully produced
catalog of old Silk Road textiles.
Museum of Sinkiang-Uighur Autonomous Region, ed. The Silk Road,
Fabrics from the Han to the T'ang Dynasty China Books and Periodicals
San Francisco 1973 64 color plates 100 pp. 14 x 10 Hardback in Very Good
condition GWO 2811. Chinese text. Two page English summary and list of illustrations
of ancient silk fragments.
NHK Staff, ed. Photography by Yasuo Muro, Seigo Ohtsuka and
Kunihiko Takigawa Silk Road Photo
Collection (Japan) 1981 359 color
plates 509 pp. 8 x 12 Three-volume Paperback set in slipcase in Very Good
condition. Vol. 1: Chang-an / Hexi Corridor / Dun-Huang. Vol. 2: Tian-shan
South Road / Tian-shan North Road. Vol. 3: Ancient South Road. English text.
Riko, ed. (The Complete Works
of Chinese Art: The Applied Fine Arts Ed. 6 - Dyeing and Weaving Vol. 1 - Silk
Road Textiles) Pekin 1985 220 color
plates 90 black and white 312 pp. 8.5 x
11 Hardback in dustjacket and slipcase in Very Good condition Most illustrated
examples are ancient Silk Road textiles. Chinese text. Slipcased.
Sabahi, Taher Samarkanda: Carpets
from the Silk Road / Tappeti Dalla via Della Seta Vicenza 1995 42 color plates 135 pp. 9 x 11.5 Hardback in
dustjacket in Good condition. Wavy textblock. Minor tears to dustjacket.
Deaccessioned from a museum research library with minimal marks. Presentation
copy signed by the author on free end paper. Exhibition of three Italian
collections of East Turkestan carpets. English/Italian text.
Spink Threads of
Imagination, Central Asian and Chinese Silks from the 12th to the 19th Century Spink London 1999 56 pp. 10 x 12 Paperback in Very Good
condition Priced exhibition and sales catalog of famed dealer. 53 color plates
show 27 examples including full-page and closeups.
Textile Art Textile Art 30
Summer 1984 Silk Road Textiles Kyoto Shoin Kyoto 1984 168 pp. 8.5 x 12 Paperback in Very Good
condition Issue #30. Focus on Silk Road textiles. Profusely illustrated in
color. Japanese text with English plate captions.
Thompson, Jon Silk, Carpets and
the Silk Road NHK Culture Center Tokyo 1988 61 Color Plates 96 pp. 8.5 x 12
Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition GWO 1061. Silk rug and textile exhibition catalog from
public, private and dealer collections (largely Central Asian).
Whitfield, Susan and Ursula Sims-Williams The Silk Road:
Trade, Travel, War And Faith Serindia London 2004 366
pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Major British Library exhibition catalog with
high-quality color reproductions of the exhibits. A large part of the Aurel
Stein collection is shown comprising manuscripts, paintings, artifacts with
emphasis on both religious and secular material and all languages and cultures
on the Silk Road. A few textiles are shown including a treatment on dyes used
in silk paintings.
(Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region Museum) Heritage Press Beijing 1991 120 color plates 48 black and white 237 pp. 14 x 10 Hardback
in Very Good condition A massive publication showing ceramics, wood carvings,
paintings, metalwork, calligraphy, jewelry and textiles. 38 color plates are of
old silk road textiles. Chinese Museum Series No. 9. Chinese text.
Yue, Feng Si Lu Ju Zhen
(Exhibition of Silk Road Relics in Xinjiang) New Age Press (China) 1999 160
color plates 166 pp. 7.25 x 10.25 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some
edgewear. Ancient Silk Road fragments including textiles, wood and ceramics.
Chinese text with English plate captions.
Zhao, Feng and Zhiyong Yu Legacy of the
Desert King: Textiles and Treasures Excavated at Niya on the Silk Road China National Silk Museum
/ Xinjiang Institute of Archaeology Hangzhou 2000 145 color plates 10 black and white 111 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback
in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with
minimal marks. Exhibition catalog of
textiles and treasures excavated on the silk road from the Cultural Relics
Bureau organized by the China National Silk Museum.
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