We have become overstocked in gently used Hali Magazines, the premier carpet and textile periodical. Over 80 issues are now 1/3 off our already discounted prices. Here is a chance to fill in the gaps in your collection or introduce the magazine to a friend.
Along with 40 other dealers in antique Oriental rug and textile art we will again be exhibiting at the 2nd Annual Antique Rug and Textile Show from October 12-17 at the Motel Capri in San Francisco's Marina District. Mark your calendars!
L'ORIENT PAR J.L. GEROME: OFFERT PAR LES GRANDS MAGASINS DU BON MARCH - PARIS - AUX VISITEURS DU SALON DES ARTISTES (Paris) 1910 9 Color Plates 31 Black and White 31 pp. 7.5 x 10.5 Paperback in Good condition. Small dark stain to front cover. Some edgewear. Small chip to back cover. French department store catalog of antique and contemporary Oriental carpets and works of Islamic art interspersed with Orientalist paintings by Gerome. The color plates are of rugs. $125
MATT CAMRON RUGS AND TAPESTRIES (New York) (2000s) 144 Color Plates 144 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Full color dealer catalog of large antique decorative carpets. Mostly Persian and Turkish with a few Chinese and Spanish rugs. $35
Yue, Feng: Si Lu Ju Zhen (EXHIBITION OF SILK ROAD RELICS IN XINJIANG) (China) 1999 160 Color Plates 166 pp. 7.25 x 10.25 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some edgewear. Ancient Silk Road fragments including textiles, wood and ceramics. Chinese text with English plate captions. $50
Eagleton, William: AN INTRODUCTION TO KURDISH RUGS AND OTHER WEAVINGS Essex 1988 124 Color Plates 144 pp. 9.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Very Good condition without dustjacket. GWO 1987. Field research of Kurdish tribes by Ambassador Eagleton in Turkey, Northern Iraq, and Western Iran. $150
Migeon, Gaston: MANUEL D'ART MUSULMAN. ARTS PLASTIQUES ET INDUSTRIELS. TOME I: PEINTURE ET MINIATURE - SCULPTURE DÉCORATIVE - MONUMENTALE OU MOBILIÈRE PIERRE, STUC, BOIS, IVOIRES - BRONZES - MONNAIES - ARMES (MANUAL OF ISLAMIC ART) Paris 1927 211 Black and White 440 pp. 5.5 x 8.75 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. French text. $30
Ropers, Heinrich: LES TAPIS D'ORIENT: MANUEL POUR AMATEURS ET COLLECTIONNEURS Paris 1962 32 Color Plates 96 Black and White 317 pp. 6 x 9.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. GWO 966. French text. Second printing. $15
Schlabow, Karl: DER THORSBERGER PRACHTMANTEL: SCHLUSSEL ZUM ALTGERMANISCHEN WEBSTUHL (THE THORSBERG GALA CLOAK: THE KEY TO THE ANCIENT GERMANIC LOOM) Neumunster 1965 2 Color Plates 43 Black and White Figures 64 pp. 5.25 x 7.25 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. German text. $20
Comarnescu, Petru : EXHIBITION OF RUMANIAN TAPESTRY Bucharest 1965 8 Color Plates 23 Black and White 58 pp. 7.5 x 7.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some spotting to cover. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. $10
Maslenitsyna, S.: PERSIAN ART IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF ORIENTAL ART Leningrad 1975 135 Color Plates 200 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. Includes 15 full page color illustrations of Persian textiles and 10 of Persian rugs. English/Russian text. $20
Stack, Lotus ed.: CONSERVATION RESEARCH: STUDIES OF FIFTEENTH- TO NINETEENTH-CENTURY TAPESTRY Washington 1993 86 Black and White 120 pp. 9 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. Studies in the History of Art 42 Monograph Series II. Includes an article by Carol Bier, "Knots and Bolts: Design and Technology in the Caucasus." $15
Tuchscherer, Jean-Michael and Gabriel Vial: LE MUSEE HISTORIQUE DES TISSUS DE LYON Tours 1977 61 Black and White Plates 52 pages of text 8.75 x 10.75 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. Textiles from the collection of the Lyon Museum of Textile History. $10
Thurman, Christa C. Mayer: THE DEPARTMENT OF TEXTILES AT THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Chicago 1978 31 Black and White 35 pp. 9 x 7.75 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with usual marks. Guide to The Department of Textiles at The Art Institute of Chicago. $10
THE ORIENT IN POLISH ART: CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION Cracow 1992 16 Color Plates 155 Black and White 44 pages of text 8 x 11.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum research library with minimal marks. Illustrations include 3 color plates and 3 black and white of Oriental rugs and 1 color plate and 19 black and white of Oriental textiles. $20
Stone, Peter F.: THE ORIENTAL RUG LEXICON Seattle 1997 47 Color Plates 553 Black and White 268 pp. 8.5 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. A complete dictionary! $150