Happy 2009 and the Year of the Ox!
Allen, Peter et al.
FEMALE COSTUME OF THE SARAKATSANI Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University Providence 1985 80 Black and White plates and figures 42 pp. 8 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Head shows wear. Analysis of the traditional female costume of the Sarakatsani of mainland Greece. $30.00
Berger, Patricia and Terese Tse Bartholomew
MONGOLIA: THE LEGACY OF CHINGGIS KHAN Asian Art Museum of San Francisco San Francisco 1995 339 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition Massive exhibition catalog illustrated in color and black and white. $25.00
Glick, Nancy Iona and Katherine H. Molumby
ILLINOIS JACQUARD COVERLETS AND WEAVERS: END OF A LEGACY Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences Peoria 1999 74 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Spine has a slight crack. Illustrated in color and black and white. Museum exhibition catalog of mid-19th century coverlets. $15.00
Goody, Susan Rabbit
WOVEN HISTORY: THE TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION OF LONG ISLAND COVERLETS, 1800-1860 Society For The Preservation Of Long Island Antiquities Long Island, NY 1993 86 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Gift inscription on title page. Exhibition catalog illustrated in black and white. $15.00
Gorovaya, O.V. et al. E.G. Tsareva ed.
ROYAL COLLECTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM: THE TSARS TO THE PEOPLES, THE PEOPLES TO THE TSARS Passport International Publishing House Moscow 1995 160 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Paperback in Very Good condition. Gift inscription on inside cover flap. Museum catalog featuring chapters on the Caucasus and "Gifts of Emirs of Bukhara". Illustrated with 97 Color Plates and several historical Black and White photographs. 10 rugs and 34 costumes and textiles are illustrated. Russian/English text. $50.00
Grosch, H.
GAMMEL NORSK VAEVKUNST: PUTETRAEK OG TAEPPER I FARVETRYKTE GJENGIVELSER: MAPPE VIII. Mittet and Co. Kunstforlag Kristiania 1920 10 Color Plates 28 pp. 11.5 x 9.5 oblong Paperback in Good condition. Chipped covers. Minimal water stains and slight foxing not effecting plates or text. Sunning to spine. Ex-library. Norwegian rugs and textiles from the Kristiania Kunstindustrimuseum. $40.00
Hassan, Hamid Suliman
A COLLECTION OF RARE ANTIQUE PERSIAN VILLAGE AND TRIBAL RUGS Hassan's Carpets Singapore 1990 121 Color Plates 122 pp. 8 x 12 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Dustjacket has small tears to head of spine and slight water damage. Protected by archival boPET sleeve. Dealer exhibition and sales catalog. Strong on Bakhtiaris. Scarce. $160.00
Kirichenko, Oxana ed.
BUKHARA: AN ORIENTAL GEM Sharq Tashkent 1997 Full Color Photographs 256 pp. 8.5 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition $15.00
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara
FABRIC OF JEWISH LIFE: TEXTILES FROM THE JEWISH MUSEUM COLLECTION, VOLUME ONE The Jewish Museum/New York New York 1977 141 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some edgewear. Museum exhibition catalog illustrated in color and black and white. $15.00
Klimburg, M.
IKAT, TEXTILE ART FROM THE SILK ROAD Kirdok Wien 1993 83 Color Plates 167 pp. 10 x 10.5 Hardback in Very Good condition Collection of Mr. Kirdok includes panels and robes. German/English text. $95.00
Lebedev, A. K.
VASILY VASILYEVICH VERESHCHAGIN Moscow 1958 14 Color Plates 182 Black and White 428 pp. 11.5 x 9 Hardback in Very Good condition. Corners bumped. Fraying to head of spine. Monograph of an important Russian Orientalist and military painter. Russian text. $225.00
Mandusic, Kathy
WOVE IN INDIANA: AN EXHIBIT OF INDIANA COVERLETS FROM THE COLLECTION OF JOHN AND JANET SIMMERMAKER OF WINAMAC, INDIANA Conner Prairie Pioneer Settlement Fishers, IN 1978 68 Black and White 36 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Copy inscribed to former owner and signed by Mr. Simmermaker. Includes the 1979 supplement. $25.00
Quinton, Sarah and Jennifer Fisher
TOLD AND RETOLD, AN INQUIRY ABOUT HAIR: A COLLABORATIVE INSTALLATION BY ANNE WILSON AND A.B. FORSTER The Museum for Textiles Toronto 1999 16 Black and White 32 pp. 5.75 x 8.75 Paperback in Very Good condition Exhibition catalog of materials made from human hair. $10.00
Santangelo, Antonino
ART ITALIEN LE TISSU DU XIIE AU XVIIIE SIECLE Electra Editrice Milan 1959 221 pp. 9.5 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition Italian textiles illustrated by 98 tipped in Color Plates, 7 tipped in Black and White plates, and 17 figures. $50.00
Steinmann, Axel ed.
STRAPS AND BANDS: TEXTILIEN AUS DER SAMMLUNG FOITL Museum fur Volkerkunde Wien 2008 239 Color Plates 256 pp. 8.25 x 10.75 Paperback in New condition Museum of Ethnology exhibition catalog. German text. Enthralled by the optical and tactile qualities of textiles, the Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist, Dr. Gerhard Foitl, began to collect elaborately woven bands in the late 1970’s. His extensive collection includes bands to decorate animals and straps for bearing loads from Central Asia that feature depictions of humans and animals, yurt-straps from Turkmenistan, a magnificent silk belt from Safavid Persia, a woven pilgrim’s souvenir from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, raffia textiles from the Bakuba in Zaire, pre-Columbian bands from the Andes, decorative bands from South-East Asia, pearl embroideries from Gujarat (India), and women’s belts from southern Morocco. Today the Gerhard Foitl Collection comprises 737 objects whose materials, dyes and techniques have been comprehensively analyzed, researched and documented. This exceptional private collection will be presented to the Ethnological Museum after the end of the exhibition. The exhibition offers a bullet-point survey of the collection’s rich and varied holdings, as well as a portrait of three decades dedicated to collecting textiles. In addition to the bands and straps the show will also feature the collector’s original index-cards recording each object and the various aids employed by Gerhard Foitl to analyze the structure of flat-woven fabrics, or materials and colors. $90.00
Thevoz, Michel and Claude Ritschard
CITAM / ICAMT International Centre of Ancient and Modern Tapestry Lausanne 1975 12 Color Plates 7 Black and White 36 pp. 8.25 x 9 Paperback in Very Good condition Le Centre International de la Tapisserie Ancienne et Moderne promotional booklet featuring modern textile art. French/English text. $10.00
Usrey, Angela
HOUSTON MUSEUM OF DECORATIVE ARTS COVERLET COLLECTION Houston Museum of Decorative Arts Chattanooga 1990 14 Color Plates 14 pp. 8 x 8.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Letter from the Houston Museum curator to former owner tipped in. $25.00
Walter, Gert and Karl-Heinz Breuss. Adil Besim.
MYTH AND MYSTIQUE: OLD AND ANTIQUE TEXTILE ART BAND 4. BELUTSCHEN - DIE WIG KOLLECTION Adil Besim Wien 2008 82 Color Plates 186 pp. 8.5 x 12 Hardback in New condition Fourth in a series of Austrian dealer sales and exhibition catalog of outstanding decorative and collector rugs. German/English text. The focus of this volume is on Baluch rugs as is strong on bags and flatweaves. $80.00
Wilde, Colin ed.
INDIA: THE CARPET BUYERS' GUIDE Hali Publications, Ltd. London 2007 40 pp. 6 x 8.25 Paperback in Very Good condition Fully illustrated in color with examples and advertisements. $25.00
FLAT WEAVE RUGS FROM CENTRAL ASIA Alastair Hull, Importer and Merchant Haddenham, Cambridgeshire 25 Black and White Figures No photographs 12 pp. 5.75 x 8.25 Paperback in Very Good condition A dealer's informational booklet on Central Asian flatweaves. $30.00