If you haven't already seen it check out the
Uzbek news story on YouTube featuring the Textile Museum's exhibit
Architectural Textiles: Tent Bands of Central Asia. These bands which average 1' x 52' were on display from March 30 - August 19, 2007. We, of course, have the exhibition catalog for sale
For the rug dealers out there looking for gifts for your clients we are offering a 40% discount on Emmett Eiland's revised
We have also added 150 titles, mostly on Oriental rugs, to our
In addition to these is our list of titles we’ve added to our inventory in the past month. Thousands more books on oriental carpets, rugs and textiles from around the world can be found at RugBooks.com
Dennis Marquand
Wesley Marquand
Alexander, Christopher
A FORESHADOWING OF 21ST CENTURY ART New York 1993 98 Color Plates, 500 Black and White 351 pp. 8 x 12 Hardback without dustjacket in Very Good condition The color and geometry of very early Turkish carpets. $450
American Art Association/Anderson Galleries
ANTIQUE ORIENTAL RUGS, THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF A BOSTON GENTLEMAN New York 1932 42 Black and White, 120 Lots 86 pp. 7 x 10.5 Paperback in Very Good condition GWO 24. Auction catalog of rugs belonging to Charles O. Richardson. This collection was exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. $35
Battenfield, Jackie
IKAT TECHNIQUE New York 1980 16 Color Plates, 75 Black and White, 100 Drawings 100 pp. 8 x 9.5 Paperback in Very Good condition $10
Boralevi, Daniele I
L CUORE E LA MEMORIA (HEART AND MEMORY) Firenze -2000 28 Color Plates 56 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Catalog of Oriental and European decorative and collectible carpets celebrating the 70th anniversary of Boralevi Gallery. Most examples are from the 19th century. Uncommon. $75
Chenciner, Robert Kaitag:
TEXTILE ART FROM DAGHESTAN London 1993 80 Color Plates 140 Black and White 208 pp. 10 x 13 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition Historic embroidery from a small district in the Caucasus Mountains. $210
Christie's London
THE MAYORCAS COLLECTION London 1999 632 Color Plates 260 pp. 8 x 10.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Auction catalog of famed London dealer of antique textiles with an emphasis on European rugs and textiles. Pen priced and sales realized list. $70
Collingwood, Peter
RUG WEAVING TECHNIQUES, BEYOND THE BASICS Loveland 1990 70 Color Plates 5 Black and White 139 Figures 160 pp. 10.5 x 8 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition $110
Eagleton, William
AN INTRODUCTION TO KURDISH RUGS AND OTHER WEAVINGS Essex 1988 124 Color Plates 144 pp. 9.5 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition GWO 1987. Field research of Kurdish tribes by Ambassador Eagleton in Turkey, Northern Iraq, and Western Iran. $165
Ermakova, E. and S. Mahkamova
IKATS FROM TURKESTAN, TAIR F. TAIROV COLLECTION Moscow 2002 101 Color Plates 134 pp. 10 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition Pushkin State Museum exhibition catalog of exceptional silk textiles from Central Asia. Russian/English text. $205
Finarte Casa D'Aste
TAPPETI E TESSILI ANTICHI... November 20, 2007 Milano 2007 320 lots illust. in color 199 pp. 8.5 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition Sale #1290 of world-class rugs and textiles from Milan's premier auction house. Includes some very interesting Japanese war textiles. $35
Fisher, Nora, ed.
MUD, MIRROR AND THREAD FOLK TRADITIONS OF RURAL INDIA Santa Fe 1993 157 Color Plates 240 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe exhibition catalog with and emphasis on Indian textiles. $40
Frederiksen, Birthe
CARAVANS AND TRADE IN AFGHANISTAN, THE CHANGING LIFE OF THE NOMADIC HAZARBUZ New York 1996 100 Color Plates 90 Black and White 292 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition The Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project publication. $90
Hasson, Rachel
WOVEN WITH LOVE: KILIMS FROM ANATOLIA Jerusalem 2007 68 Color Plates 108 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in dustjacket in New condition L.A. Meyer Museum for Islamic Art exhibition catalog of 19th century Turkish kilims from the collection of Georg and Birgit Rabe from Berlin. English/Hebrew text. $50
Kalter, J. and M. Pavaloi
UZBEKISTAN, HEIRS TO THE SILK ROAD London 1997 437 Color Plates 368 pp. 9.5 x 12 Paperback in As New condition Major German museum exhibition of material culture of the Uzbeks. Originally published Stuttgart 1996. 190 color plates are of rugs and textiles. $250
Kartiwa, Suwati
KAIN ADAT: TRADITIONAL TEXTILES Jakarta 1976 28 Color Plates 5 Black and White 40 pp. 8 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition Jakarta Textile Museum catalog of Indonesian textiles from the collections of members of the Wastraprema society. $25
Levi, Alberto
ANTIQUE TEXTILE ART III Milano 2002 40 Color Plates 82 pp. 8.5 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition Dealer exhibition and sales catalog of antique Oriental carpets. Top corner bumped. $50
Lu Hongqi
ANTIQUE CARPETS OF CHINA (China) 2003 185 Color Plates 261 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Near Fine condition The nearly 100 antique carpets pictured in this volume were selected from photographs the author took during more than ten years of travel around China. These antique carpets represent the artistic styles and techniques of Chinese carpets of approximately 200 years. This book also describes and explains the evolution of the carpet and meaning of the patterns from historical and cultural points of view. English-Chinese text. $80
Mangkudilaga, Sufwandi BATIK:
EXHIBITION OF SELECTED PIECES FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE JAKARTA TEXTILE MUSEUM AND THE YOGYAKARTA Batik Museum Jakarta 1980 90 Color Plates 56 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Exhibition catalog of Indonesian batiks. $65
Mayers, Frederick J.
CARPET DESIGNS AND DESIGNING Essex 1934 8 Color Plates 32 Black and White 137 pp. text 7.5 x 9.5 Hardback in Good condition Enay-Azadi 388. British look at hand and machine made carpet design. Ex-library. $25
Mom Dusdi Paribatra (Princess Sukhumabhinan)
THE THAI HERITAGE OF WEAVING AND EMBROIDERY Bangkok 1975 24 Black and White 36 pp. 7 x 7 Paperback in Very Good condition The Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art exhibition catalog of Thai costume and textiles. Thai/English text. $50
Mortensen, Inge Demant
NOMADS OF LURISTAN New York 1993 50 Color Plates 400 Black and White 413 pp. 9 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition History, material culture and pastoralism in western Iran. The Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project publication. $115
Neumann, Reingard and Gerhard Murza
PERSISCHE SEIDEN (PERSIAN SILKS) Leipzig 1988 68 Color Plates numerous Black and White 334 pp. 9.5 x 12 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition GWO 2689. A catalog of museum collections of Persian textiles in Leipzig, Berlin and Dresden. $45
Pacific Asia Museum
WOVEN JEWELS, TIBETAN RUGS FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLECTIONS (Pasadena) 1992 120 Color Plates 95 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition GWO 1760. Museum exhibition catalog of Tibetan carpets from the Rutherford collection. $35
Peacock, B.A.V.
BATEK-IKAT-PELANGI AND OTHER TRADITIONAL TEXTILES FROM MALAYSIA Hong Kong 1977 27 Color Plates 32 pp. 8 x 9 Paperback in Very Good condition Exhibition catalog from Malaysian museums. Examples loaned by the Hong Kong Museum of History. Chinese/English text. $20
Rippon Boswell and Co.
GROSSE HERBSTAUKTION: SELTENE AND ANTIKE TEPPICHE, FLACHGEWEBE, TEXTILIEN UND LITERATUR #70 December 1, 2007 Wiesbaden 232 entries 9.5 x 7 Paperback in Very Good condition The best auction catalog for the carpet and textile collector. Profusely illustrated in color and b/w. Most items shown. $50
Sameyeh, Sh.
EXCEPTIONAL ORIENTAL CARPETS CATALOG #1 Hamburg 1982 296 Color Plates 408 pp. 9 x 12 Hardback in Very Good condition GWO 984. A dealers catalog intended to be a general survey. Heavy emphasis on urban Persian commercial rugs. German/English text $150
Sookmyung Women's University Museum
KOREAN EMBROIDERY Seoul 2000 155 Color Plates 163 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in As New condition Comprehensive survey of Korean embroidery of the Choson dynasty illustrated with over 150 colorful examples from museum and private collections. Rare examples of court robes, embroidered insignia, garments, folding screens, hats, pouches, wrapping clothes and other accessories are studied and illustrated. Korean text with English captions. $50
Sookmyung Women's University Museum
DESIGN: WHEN THE LINES MEET Seoul 2005 Profusely illustrated in color 243 pp. 10 x 10 Paperback in As New condition Exhibition catalog of The Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum (C.E.M.) to celebrate the first anniversary of its foundation. The exhibition displays beautiful and precious embroidery works to help the viewer understand the effects traditional embroidery patterns have on modern design. "Design: When the Lines Meet presents a variety of magnificently patterned textiles from around the world to explore ancient motifs and design formats, their transformation in meaning and style across time and geographical region, and their continued role in shaping today's visual world. In addition to displays of extant historical fabrics, the exhibition also includes multimedia installations that consider how contemporary clothing and textile designers continue to draw from the wellspring of ancient design..."-Preface $65
Soudavar, Abolala
ART OF THE PERSIAN COURTS: SELECTIONS FROM THE ART AND HISTORY TRUST COLLECTION New York 1992 474 Color Plates 423 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in Very Good condition Prepared in conjunction with an exhibition that will first be presented at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, this book is based on a selection of items from the Art and History Trust collection. Its objective is to give the Western reader a glimpse into the intricacies of Persian court art through the eyes of a Persian enthusiast. -Preface $50
Van Dijk, Toos and N. de Jonge
SHIP CLOTHS OF THE LAMPUNG SOUTH SUMATERA Amsterdam 1980 7 Color Plates 9 Black and White 79 pp. 6 x 8 Paperback in Good condition Exhibition catalog of this textile group from Indonesia. $35
Verlet, Pierre
SAVONNERIE, THE JAMES A. DE ROTHSCHILD COLLECTION AT WADDESDON MANOR Fribourg 1982 22 Color Plates 220 Black and White 535 pp. 8 x 12 Hardback without dustjacket in Very Good condition Massive, beautiful, scholarly text. $195
Zhao, Feng and Zhiyong Yu
LEGACY OF THE DESERT KING Hangzhou 2000 145 Color Plates 10 Black and White 111 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition Exhibition catalog of textiles and treasures excavated on the silk road from the Cultural Relics Bureau organized by the China National Silk Museum. $125
ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK OF THE W.A. CLARK COLLECTION Washington D.C. 1932 126 pp. 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in Good condition Corcoran Gallery of Art exhibition catalog of the William Andrews Clark collection. The section on Oriental rugs (4 b/w) was written by Rudolf M. Riefstahl. $30
pp. – pages
CP - color plates
b/w - black/white illustrations
GWO - George W. O'Bannon's Oriental Rugs, A Bibliography.