In 1999 Dennis Marquand was asked to submit a list of the top 50 oriental rug books published. Many of these titles have earlier or later printings and bindings. GWO refers to the reference number in George O'Bannon's Oriental Rugs, A Bibliography
Over the next few weeks we will be revisiting and adding important titles that have been published in the 15 years since this list was compiled.
The Top Fifty Oriental Rug Books
Subjectively Submitted by Dennis B. Marquand
Eiland, Murray L. Jr and Murray Eiland III Oriental Carpets: A Complete Guide Lawrence King London 1998 330 color plates 15 maps 20 diagrams 294 pp. Revised (4th ed.) updated classic with all color plates.
Ford, P.J.R. The Oriental Carpet: A History and Guide to Traditional Motifs, Patterns and Symbols Harry N. Abrams New York 1981 400 color plates, 400 black and white 352 pp. GWO 401. Approaches rugs from design characteristics instead of country of origin. First edition.
Hawley, Walter A. Oriental Rugs, Antique and Modern John Lane New York 1913 11 color plates, 71 black and white, charts, maps 320 pp. GWO 516. First edition of this American classic.
Mumford, John Kimberly Oriental Rugs New York 1981 16 Color Plates, 16 Black and White 282 pp. GWO 828. Early American classic. Reprint of the 4th edition (1929).
O'Bannon, George Oriental Rugs: The Collector's Guide to Selecting, Identifying, and Enjoying New and Vintage Oriental Rugs The Apple Press London 1995 150 color plates 80 pp. Excellent general book and not only because some of the rugs shown are from the Marquand collection.
Thompson, Jon Oriental Carpets From the Tents, Cottages, and Workshops of Asia Dutton Studio Books New York 1993 114 color plates 176 pp. GWO 1059. American edition of the ICOC IV exhibition. Similar to the 1983 UK edition "Carpet Magic". Jon Thompson's guide to the world of rugs and carpets received enthusiastic acclaim from general readers and students alike as the best introduction to the subject yet published. By discussing carpets in the context of the people who weave them, the book makes this complex and often jargon-ridden subject easily accessible.
Erdmann, Kurt Seven Hundred Years of Oriental Carpets University of California Press Berkeley/London 1970 20 color plates, 286 black and white 238 pp. GWO 375-376. A major contribution to the literature. A compilation of the author's articles on collections, groups and types.
Grote-Hasenbalg, Werner Der Orientteppich. Seine Geschichte und seine Kultur. 3 Volumes. [The oriental carpet. Its history and its culture] Scarabäus Berlin 1922 139 color plates 430 pp. GWO 479. Massive and beautiful three volume set of this early and important work on Oriental carpets. One volume of text and two of color plates. German text.
Pope, Arthur U. A Survey of Persian Art: Carpets (Volume VIa and XII) SOPA Ashiya 1964 (1981) 62 color plates, 102 black and white, 52 black and white illustrations 208 pp. GWO 2109 and 2111. Two volumes (1. Text, 2. Plates) on 15th-17th century classic Persian carpets.
Sarre, Friedrich, and Hermann Trenkwald Alt-orientalische Teppiche: herausgegeben vom Osterreichischen Museum für Kunst und Industrie Anton Schroll; Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann Vienna 1926-28 GWO 988. First edition of one of the great and important rug books in 2 volumes. (21, [2], 60 plates of which 3 double and 35 color; 43, [1] p., 60 plates, of which 4 double and 32 color); Based on the Museum's previous publications Orientalische Teppiche (1892) and Altorientalische Teppiche (1908). Plates interleaved with descriptive texts. Black and white plates are collotypes, color plates mostly collotypes with 11 halftones.
Central Asian
Boucher, Jeff W. Baluchi Woven Treasures Jeff W. Boucher London 1989 63 color plates 152 pp. GWO 1534. First edition of this important Belouch carpet reference. Wonderful collection by noted rug collector.
Loges, Werner Turkoman Tribal Rugs Humanities Press Munich 1980 117 color plates 204 pp. GWO 1596. One of the best books on the subject of Turkmen carpets and a title every collector should own.
Mackie, Louise W. and Jon Thompson Turkmen Tribal Carpets and Traditions Textile Museum Washington 1980 95 color plates 117 black and white 240 pp. GWO 1597. Textile Museum exhibition catalog of rugs from private collections. Important.
Moshkova, V.G. edited by George W. O'Bannon Carpets of the People of Central Asia of the Late XIX and XX Centuries George W. O'Bannon Tucson 1996 140 color plates 385 pp. English translation of the classic work with color plates. Originally published in Russian, Moshkova's Carpets of the People of Central Asia is the most important book published on Central Asian rugs.
Schurmann, U. Central-Asian Rugs: A Detailed Presentation of the Art of Rug Weaving in Central-Asia in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Verlag Osterrieth Frankfurt am Main 1969 100 color plates 176 pp. GWO 1645. A standard work on these rugs with outstanding examples illustrated.
Bennett, Ian Oriental Rugs Volume 1 Caucasian Antique Collectors' Club Suffolk, UK 1981 (1993) 336 color plates 155 black and white 376 pp. GWO 1374. The most extensively illustrated book on Caucasian rugs. A must for every collector of Caucasian carpets.
Ellis, Charles Grant Early Caucasian Rugs The Textile Museum Washington DC 1975 16 color plates 21 black and white 112 pp. GWO 1398. Important Textile Museum exhibition catalog of 37 old carpets from all regions of the Caucasus shown and described at length. Includes an introduction to construction techniques and motifs. With glossary and bibliography. Literature in this area is scarce.
Schurmann, U. Caucasian Rugs: A Detailed Presentation of the Art of Carpet Weaving in the Various Districts of the Caucasus during the 18th and 19th Century George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London 1965 (1974) 160 color plates 360 pp. GWO 1476. The classic. Wonderful examples. Not to be confused with the lesser quality color reprint of 1990.
Edwards, A. Cecil The Persian Carpet: A Survey of the Carpet-Weaving Industry of Persia Duckworth London 1953 (1967) 4 color plates 419 black and white 408 pages GWO 1990. The standard work on Persian carpets of the late-19th to mid-20th century.
Gans-Ruedin, E. The Splendor of Persian Carpets Rizzoli New York 1978 254 color plates 566 pp. GWO 2010. Sumptuous feast of the most important and famous classical Persian carpets and many other finely knotted urban carpets. English/Farsi text. Second printing.
Opie, James Tribal Rugs: Nomadic and Village Weavings from the Near East and Central Asia The Tolstoy Press Portland 1992 291 color plates 12 maps 324 pp. GWO 2097. The emphasis of this important contribution to the literature of Iranian carpets is on South Persian examples. First edition.
Stanzer, Wilfried Kordi: Lives-Rugs-Flatweaves of the Kurds in Khorasan Eigenverlag Wien 1988 100 color plates 224 pp. GWO 2139. First edition. Comprehensive book on the flatweaves of these Persian Kurdish peoples in Eastern Iran from Adil Besim, an Austrian dealer and collector. German/English text.
Tanavoli, Parviz Shahsavan, Iranian Rugs and Textiles Rizzoli New York 1985 96 color plates 287 black and white 435 pp. GWO 2151. English language version of the most important work on Northwestern Persian tribal rugs and flatweaves.
Acar, Belkis Balpinar Kilim-Cicim-Zili-Sumak, Turkish Flatweaves Eren Yayinlari Istanbul 1983 30 color plates 128 pp. GWO 1153. Excellent basic work on Turkish flatweaves. Includes glossary.
Bruggemann, W. and H. Bohmer Rugs of the Peasants and Nomads of Anatolia Kunst & Antiquitaten Munich 1983 114 color plates 356 pp. GWO 1195. The best single book on the subject of 19th century piled Turkish village and nomadic rugs. Extensive design and dye information. English text.
Butterweck, Georg and Dieter Orasch Handbook of Anatolian Carpets: Central Anatolia / Das Standardwerk des anatolischen Knüpfteppichs. Zentralanatolien Im Eigenverlag Vienna 1986 229 color plates 20 black and white 125 pp. of text GWO 1197. Great examples of central Anatolian village rugs. German/English text.
Cootner, Cathryn Anatolian Kilims, The Caroline and H. McCoy Jones Collection The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco / Hali Publications San Francisco 1990 112 color plates, 45 black and white 275 pp. GWO 1202. Stunning collection of early kilims presented by Mrs. H. McCoy Jones to San Francisco's deYoung Museum.
Davies, Peter The Tribal Eye: Antique Kilims of Anatolia Rizzoli New York 1993 58 color plates 32 black and white 140 pp. Excellent text with a focus on 19th century examples of these Turkish flatweaves with technical analysis.
Hull, Alastair and Jose Luczyc-Wyhowska Kilim, The Complete Guide Thames and Hudson San Francisco 1993 378 color plates, 271 black and white 352 pp. Good section on Central Asian flatweaves. History, pattern, technique and identification.
Petsopoulos, Y. Kilims: Flat-woven Tapestry Rugs Rizzoli New York 1979 72 color plates, 350 black and white 394 pp. GWO 890. Seminal book on kilims. Mostly Turkish examples.
North Africa
Pickering, Brooke; W. Russell Pickering; Ralph S. Yohe Moroccan Carpets Hali Publications and the Near Eastern Art Research Center Chevy Chase 1994 115 color plates 26 color illustrations 160 pp. This is the first printing of the most important book on these North African carpets.
Stanzer, Wilfried Berber: Tribal Carpets and Weavings from Morocco / Berberes: Tapis de tribus et textiles du Maroc Helmut Reinisch Graz 1991 180 color plates 52 black and white 160 pp. GWO 1930. The Hersberger collection of Moroccan rugs with good study of Berber nomads.
Eastern Asia
Bidder, Hans Carpets from Eastern Turkestan: Known as Khotan, Samarkand and Kansu Carpets Washington International Associates London 1964 (1979) 20 color plates 50 black and white 96 pp. GWO 1689. A major work and study of rugs from East Turkestan, the region in Central Asia/Western China. Includes the importance of the region as part of the silk route, the influences of China, Buddhism and Islam, motifs, and weaving and dyeing techniques. 70 rugs from the 17th-19th century are shown and described with extensive footnotes.
Eiland, Murray L. Chinese and Exotic Rugs New York Graphic Society Boston 1979 52 color plates, 180 black and white, 30 drawings 246 pp. GWO 1698. Excellent book on this arcane subject. Includes Tibetan, Mongolian, East Turkestan, India, North Africa, and the Balkans.
Lorentz, H.A. A View of Chinese Rugs from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century Routledge and Kegan Paul London 1972 95 color plates, 60 black and white 194 pp. GWO 1738. Standard reference and the best book yet on pre-1925 Chinese carpets.
Pacific Asia Museum; Tom Rutherford Woven Jewels: Tibetan Rugs from Southern California Collections Chris Pearce / Pacific Asia Museum (Pasadena) 1992 120 color plates 95 pp. GWO 1760. Museum exhibition catalog of Tibetan carpets from the Rutherford collection.
Rostov, Charles and Jia Guanyan Chinese Carpets Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Abrams, NY 1983 120 color plates, 40 black and white 224 pp. GWO 1759. The old rugs are from the Textile Museum holdings and the new rugs are current production.
Public Holdings and Private Collections
Dimand, M. S. and Jean Mailey Oriental Rugs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 1973 19 color plates, 236 black and white 353 pp. GWO 268. Important. The Museum collection of rugs and carpets.
Dimand, Maurice S. The Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs in the City Art Museum of St. Louis City Art Museum of St. Louis St. Louis 1935 13 color plates (tipped-in), 56 black and white 200 pp. GWO 263. #905 of 1000 copies. Plates were printed by famed Viennese firm Max Jaffe.
Dodds, Dennis R. et al. Oriental Rugs from Atlantic Collections International Conference on Oriental Carpets Philadelphia 1996 331 color plates 277 pp. Massive catalog of the 8th ICOC in Philadelphia in 1996. Contains a wide range of rug types from private and museum collections, including rare Central Asian rugs and trappings from the Russian Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg and Classical carpets of the 16-17th centuries from the distinguished collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Beautifully illustrated, large pictures, cogent writing by leading authorities: Dodds, Eiland, Jr., Indictor, Mallary, Mast, Pickering, Pinner and Tsareva. Central Asian and tribal rugs are well represented.
Eiland, Murray Oriental Rugs from Pacific Collections International Conference on Oriental Carpets San Francisco 1990 230 color plates 51 black and white 244 pp. GWO 337. This substantial book documents the superb pile rugs, kilims and trappings exhibited during the 6th ICOC in San Francisco in 1990. As a major center for collectors and dealers since the 1960s, the Bay Area contains numerous world-class private and museum collections. Eiland's essays are useful additions to the wide range of mostly tribal, village and classical pieces. There are several extraordinary Central Asian weavings from the Russian Ethnographic Museum. The private collections show strong tribal interest.
Ellis, Charles G. Oriental Carpets in the Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia 1988 72 color plates 100 black and white 304 pp. GWO 338. Great rugs, scholarship and color reproduction.
Kendrick, A. F. and C. E. C. Tattersall Handwoven Carpets, Oriental and European Benn Brothers London 1922 18 color plates, 186 black and white 636 pp. GWO 646. Major standard work. Two volume set. Limited to 1,000 copies.
Kirchheim, E. H. Orient Stars Hali Publications Ltd. London 1993 250 color plates 394 pp. Massive. Kirchheim collection of mainly early Anatolian carpets. Probably the finest collection assembled in the last 50 years.
McMullan, Joseph V. Islamic Carpets Near Eastern Art Research Center New York 1965 106 color plates, 45 black and white 387 pp. GWO 780. One of the most important collections formed in the 20th century. Spectacular examples and printing. Stunning
Spuhler, Fredrich. Islamic Carpets and Textiles in the Keir Collection Faber and Faber, London 1978 pp. 49 color plates, 116 black and white 252 pp. GWO 1027. The catalog of the classical carpets and textiles in the Edmund de Unger collection.
Mallett, Marla Woven Structures: A Guide to Oriental Rug and Textile Analysis Christopher Publications Atlanta 1998 [2011] 490 black and white 188 pp. Wonderfully clear analysis of an important area. Revised edition. Third printing.
Franz and Peter Bausback
Eberhardt Herrmann
Oriental Carpet and Textile Studies
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Art of Featherwork
Featherwork has long been an under appreciated art in the world of ethnographic textile studies and collections. Most of these works were created in the tropical and subtropical zones of the Americas and Oceania from before European contact to today. Below is a modest list of books on the subject:
Invisible People: Arts of the Amazon, The Mekler Collection
Bernstein, Michael
Fresno: Fresno Art Museum, 1992.
80 pp. 95 color plates. 8.5 x 10.5 Paperback in Good condition. With former owner's bookplate. Item #BOOKS002727I
ISBN: 0932325297
Museum exhibition catalog of the Mekler Collection of feather work.
- See more at:
Weaving for the Gods: Textiles of the Ancient Andes
Brinckerhoff, Deborah, Curator
Greenwich: Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1999.
44 pp. 67 color plates. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good- condition. Scuffing to covers. Item #BOOKS003457I
ISBN: 0966514440
This museum exhibition catalog covers 5000 years of Peruvian textiles including feathers and is a solid introduction to the subject with well chosen examples.
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The Art of Featherwork in Old Hawai'i
Holt, John Dominis
Honolulu: Ku Pa'a Publishing Inc. 1985.
176 pp. 62 color plates 79 color illustrations. 10 x 10 Hardback in New condition. Item #BOOKS003116I
ISBN: 0914916548
Beautiful examples of mostly 19th century feather capes, cloaks and leis from museum collections.
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Also in paperback:
L' art de la plume en Amazonie [The Art of the Feather in the Amazon]
Porter, Russell M.; Roberta Rivin; and Daniel Schoepf
Paris: Somogy / Mona Bismark Foundation, 2001.
191 pp. 150 color plates 5 historical black and white. 10.25 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good- condition. Corners bumped. Item #BOOKS009355I
ISBN: 2850565067
This uncommon and beautiful museum exhibition catalog shows ornaments from multiple Amazonian tribes including rings, bracelets, masks, earrings, and headdresses from private and museum collections. Both ancient and modern examples are included and dates are given as to when the pieces were collected. French text.
- See more at:
Magic Feathers, Textile Art from Ancient Peru
Reid, James W.
London: Textile and Art Publications, 2005.
380 pp. Over 350 Color Plates. 12 x 13.5 Hardback in slipcase in New condition. Item #BOOKS006411I
ISBN: 1898406200
This lavishly illustrated large-format art book - the first major publication in the world devoted entirely to this magnificent ancient art form - focuses on the aesthetic beauty of the feather textiles and three- dimensional objects, unparalleled in their artistry and sophistication, that were created for the elite of the ancient Andean world between approximately 500 BC and 1550 AD.
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Costumes and Featherwork of the Lords of Chimor: Textiles from Peru's North Coast
Rowe, Ann P.
Washington, DC: The Textile Museum, 1984.
190 pp. 29 color plates 197 black and white. 9 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Item #BOOKS001310I
ISBN: 0814050235
Textile Museum exhibition catalog of Pre-Columbian textiles. With Feather identification by John P. O'Neill.
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The Miracle of Ancient Peru at The Merrin Gallery
Schildkraut, Linda. Foreword by Jack Lenor Larsen
New York: The Merrin Gallery, 1988.
32 pp. 25 color plates. 10 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some foxing. Former owner's ink stamp on title page. Item #BOOKS008388I
All illustrations are of textiles and featherwork.
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Whatu Kakahu: Maori Cloaks
Tamarapa, Awhina ed.
Wellington: Te Papa Press, 2011.
200 pp. 236 color plates 24 historical black and white photos 63 figures of weaving techniques. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition. Item #BOOKS009162I
ISBN: 9781877385568
This sumptuous book opens Te Papa’s storeroom doors to reveal its magnificent collection of kakahu (cloaks), and the art and traditions of weaving.**With contributions from six expert authors, the book shows how weaving is steeped in the fundamental spiritual values of Ma-ori. The first Ma-ori settlers adapted their established weaving traditions to incorporate materials they encountered in their new home. Alongside practical items, they wove exceptional cloaks that bestowed great mana on wearer and weaver.**The book focuses on forty precious and seldom-seen cloaks from Te Papa, and is packed with all-new photographs, diagrams, and insights from master weavers.
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Kaiapo, Amazonia, The Art of Body Decoration
Verswijver, Gustaaf
Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, 1992.
198 pp. 154 color plates 48 black and white. 8 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Item #BOOKS001436I
ISBN: 0295972769
Royal Museum of Central Africa, Belgium exhibition catalog of Amazonian art, mainly featherwork from the Kayapo people.
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Kaiapo: Material culture - spiritual world / Materielle Kultur- spirituelle Welt
Verswijver, Gustaaf
Frankfurt: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1995.
363 pp. 218 plates mostly in color. 8.25 x 8.25 Hardback in Near Fine condition. Item #BOOKS009358I
ISBN: 3882703903
Exhibition catalog of the museum's magnificent collection of material goods from the Kayapo people of Brazil. Well illustrated chapters: 1. The Kaiapó 2. Feather Art 3. Body Ornaments 4. Other Objects including weapons, tools, baskets, musical instruments and toys. English/German text.
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The Art of Featherwork in Mexico
Yturbide, Teresa Castello
Mexico City: Banamex-Accival, S A De C V, 1993.
250 pp. 170 color plates 2 black and white. 9.5 x 12.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Minor rippling to rear pages. Item #BOOKS007770I
ISBN: 9687009373
"This edition represents the most complete inventory of the art of featherwork ever produced: from the works of pre-Hispanic cultures (some nearly lost to the ravages of time), across the centuries to pieces still being created today. The splendid photographs that accompany the text teach us more about this extraordinary art. The pieces featured come from all over the world." -Publisher.
- See more at:
Invisible People: Arts of the Amazon, The Mekler Collection
Bernstein, Michael
Fresno: Fresno Art Museum, 1992.
80 pp. 95 color plates. 8.5 x 10.5 Paperback in Good condition. With former owner's bookplate. Item #BOOKS002727I
ISBN: 0932325297
Museum exhibition catalog of the Mekler Collection of feather work.
- See more at:
Weaving for the Gods: Textiles of the Ancient Andes
Brinckerhoff, Deborah, Curator
Greenwich: Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1999.
44 pp. 67 color plates. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in Very Good- condition. Scuffing to covers. Item #BOOKS003457I
ISBN: 0966514440
This museum exhibition catalog covers 5000 years of Peruvian textiles including feathers and is a solid introduction to the subject with well chosen examples.
- See more at:
The Art of Featherwork in Old Hawai'i
Holt, John Dominis
Honolulu: Ku Pa'a Publishing Inc. 1985.
176 pp. 62 color plates 79 color illustrations. 10 x 10 Hardback in New condition. Item #BOOKS003116I
ISBN: 0914916548
Beautiful examples of mostly 19th century feather capes, cloaks and leis from museum collections.
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Also in paperback:
L' art de la plume en Amazonie [The Art of the Feather in the Amazon]
Porter, Russell M.; Roberta Rivin; and Daniel Schoepf
Paris: Somogy / Mona Bismark Foundation, 2001.
191 pp. 150 color plates 5 historical black and white. 10.25 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good- condition. Corners bumped. Item #BOOKS009355I
ISBN: 2850565067
This uncommon and beautiful museum exhibition catalog shows ornaments from multiple Amazonian tribes including rings, bracelets, masks, earrings, and headdresses from private and museum collections. Both ancient and modern examples are included and dates are given as to when the pieces were collected. French text.
- See more at:
Magic Feathers, Textile Art from Ancient Peru
Reid, James W.
London: Textile and Art Publications, 2005.
380 pp. Over 350 Color Plates. 12 x 13.5 Hardback in slipcase in New condition. Item #BOOKS006411I
ISBN: 1898406200
This lavishly illustrated large-format art book - the first major publication in the world devoted entirely to this magnificent ancient art form - focuses on the aesthetic beauty of the feather textiles and three- dimensional objects, unparalleled in their artistry and sophistication, that were created for the elite of the ancient Andean world between approximately 500 BC and 1550 AD.
- See more at:
Costumes and Featherwork of the Lords of Chimor: Textiles from Peru's North Coast
Rowe, Ann P.
Washington, DC: The Textile Museum, 1984.
190 pp. 29 color plates 197 black and white. 9 x 11 Paperback in Very Good condition. Item #BOOKS001310I
ISBN: 0814050235
Textile Museum exhibition catalog of Pre-Columbian textiles. With Feather identification by John P. O'Neill.
- See more at:
The Miracle of Ancient Peru at The Merrin Gallery
Schildkraut, Linda. Foreword by Jack Lenor Larsen
New York: The Merrin Gallery, 1988.
32 pp. 25 color plates. 10 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition. Some foxing. Former owner's ink stamp on title page. Item #BOOKS008388I
All illustrations are of textiles and featherwork.
- See more at:
Whatu Kakahu: Maori Cloaks
Tamarapa, Awhina ed.
Wellington: Te Papa Press, 2011.
200 pp. 236 color plates 24 historical black and white photos 63 figures of weaving techniques. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition. Item #BOOKS009162I
ISBN: 9781877385568
This sumptuous book opens Te Papa’s storeroom doors to reveal its magnificent collection of kakahu (cloaks), and the art and traditions of weaving.**With contributions from six expert authors, the book shows how weaving is steeped in the fundamental spiritual values of Ma-ori. The first Ma-ori settlers adapted their established weaving traditions to incorporate materials they encountered in their new home. Alongside practical items, they wove exceptional cloaks that bestowed great mana on wearer and weaver.**The book focuses on forty precious and seldom-seen cloaks from Te Papa, and is packed with all-new photographs, diagrams, and insights from master weavers.
- See more at:
Kaiapo, Amazonia, The Art of Body Decoration
Verswijver, Gustaaf
Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, 1992.
198 pp. 154 color plates 48 black and white. 8 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Item #BOOKS001436I
ISBN: 0295972769
Royal Museum of Central Africa, Belgium exhibition catalog of Amazonian art, mainly featherwork from the Kayapo people.
- See more at:
Kaiapo: Material culture - spiritual world / Materielle Kultur- spirituelle Welt
Verswijver, Gustaaf
Frankfurt: Museum für Völkerkunde, 1995.
363 pp. 218 plates mostly in color. 8.25 x 8.25 Hardback in Near Fine condition. Item #BOOKS009358I
ISBN: 3882703903
Exhibition catalog of the museum's magnificent collection of material goods from the Kayapo people of Brazil. Well illustrated chapters: 1. The Kaiapó 2. Feather Art 3. Body Ornaments 4. Other Objects including weapons, tools, baskets, musical instruments and toys. English/German text.
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The Art of Featherwork in Mexico
Yturbide, Teresa Castello
Mexico City: Banamex-Accival, S A De C V, 1993.
250 pp. 170 color plates 2 black and white. 9.5 x 12.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Minor rippling to rear pages. Item #BOOKS007770I
ISBN: 9687009373
"This edition represents the most complete inventory of the art of featherwork ever produced: from the works of pre-Hispanic cultures (some nearly lost to the ravages of time), across the centuries to pieces still being created today. The splendid photographs that accompany the text teach us more about this extraordinary art. The pieces featured come from all over the world." -Publisher.
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Thursday, May 2, 2013
New titles for May 2013 and Textiles Asia Journal
Have you seen the new publication from Hong Kong, Textiles Asia Journal? It's a pretty neat, thrice yearly magazine published by Bonnie Corwin. The May issue has articles on Okinawan bingata, textile conservation in Bhutan and Thailand and more.
We are pleased to offer 5 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 9 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
‡Butterweck, Georg Gewebt und Geknüpft IV. Antike Teppiche und Textilien aus oberösterreichischem Privatbesitz [Woven and Knotted IV: Antique Carpets and Textiles from Private Collections in Upper Austria] Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Textil-Kunst-Forschung Vienna 2011 88 color illustrations including 23 color plates 4 black and white 66 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Paperback in New condition Exhibition catalog of East Turkestan and some Chinese rugs from the 'Linz Group' of the TKF (Austrian Society for Textile Art Research) in the Schloss zu Ascach/Donau in 2010. With extensive bibliography. German text. More on East Turkestan - Xinjiang - Sinkiang
‡Butterweck, Georg Gewebt und Geknüpft V. Die Pracht der Saloren [Woven and Knotted V: The Splendor of the Salor] Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Textil-Kunst-Forschung Vienna 2013 67 color illustrations 53 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Paperback in New condition Exhibition catalog of Salor Turkmen rugs from the 'Linz Group' of the TKF (Austrian Society for Textile Art Research) in the Schloss zu Ascach in 2012. With extensive bibliography. German text. More on Central Asian Rugs
Cagatay, Ergun and Dogan Kuban eds. The Turkic Speaking Peoples: 2,000 Years of Art And Culture from Inner Asia to the Balkans Prestel Publishing Munich 2006 (2008) 277 color plates 28 black and white 10 color maps 495 pp. 10 x 12 Hardback in Very Good condition From the first nomadic tribes migrating from central Asia to the Mediterranean, through the rise of the Seljuk and the Ottoman Empire, to the present day, this book explores the traditions and cultural practices of the Turkic speaking peoples. It examines their social and political significance within a historical and modern context, and their relationships with other cultures. This lavishly illustrated volume, featuring images from an award-winning photographer, allows readers to discover a civilization and understand its role in the world today. -Publisher More on Anthropology of the Near East
‡Chatterton, Jocelyn Mary Chinese Silks and Sewing Tools Jocelyn Chatterton London 2002 150 color plates 41 black and white figures 108 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Hardback in Very Good condition. Dustjacket has minor tears. The book contains illustrations of early silks, Ming brocades, Qing dynasty costume, domestic embroideries and sewing tools. The Embroidered designs and symbols expressed not only the symbolism of the imperial court but also the domestic hopes and desires of the women as they embroidered and wove day after day. There are also special chapters on the use of natural dyes from the Paleolithic era to the introduction of aniline dyes in the late 19th century together with useful hints on collecting and conservation. -Cover More on Chinese Textiles
Denwood, Philip The Tibetan Carpet Aris and Phillips Ltd Warminister 1974 24 color plates, 85 black and white 120 pp. 8.5 x 12 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Minor scuffing to edges. GWO 1697. First printing of the first book devoted to Tibetan rugs. Factually written and sound. Errata taped to free endpaper. More on Tibetan Rugs and Himalayan Textiles
Koll, Harry Kultkelim. Ausgewählte Anatolische Flachgewebe [Selected Anatolian Flatweaves] Kelim-Connection Aachen 1999 36 color plates 145 pp. 8.5 x 12 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition Attractive, old (mid 19th Century) Turkish kilims, most in fragmentry condition. German text. More on Anatolian/Turkish Rugs and Kilims
May, Florence Lewis Hispanic Lace and Lace Making Hispanic Society of America New York 1939 432 black and white 417 pp. 6 x 9 Hardback in Very Good condition. Deaccessioned from a museum's library with usual marks. More on European Textiles
Piwocki, Ksawer Tkanina Polska [Polish Textiles] Wydawnictwo-Arkady Warsaw 1959 1 color and 227 black and white plates 112 pp. of tex 8 x 11.5 Hardback in Very Good condition. One of a variety of unusual woven cloth covers. 64 of the plates are Polish mostly rugs, kilims and tapestries dating up to the 19th century. 57 examples are deemed "folk fabrics". 19 are of "double fabric" kilims. 27 are Polish fabrics made from 1900 to 1939 and 60 are contemporary fabrics from 1939 to 1959. Polish text with 16 page English summary. More on European Rugs
Rainer, Kurt Tasnacht. Teppichkunst und Traditionelles Handwerk der Berber Südmarokkos [Carpet Art and Traditional crafts of the Southern Moroccan Berbers] ADEVA Graz 1999 162 color plates 191 pp. 9 x 12 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Small tear to dustjacket. Color illustrations show carpets, rugs, jewelry, costume and landscapes. German text. More on North African Rugs and Textiles
Sanchez Ferrer, Jose Alfombras Antiguas de la Provincia de Albacete [Antique Rugs of Albacete] Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses Albacete 1986 38 color plates 68 black and white 510 pp. 6 x 8.5 Paperback in dustjacket in Very Good condition. Edgewear. GWO 1926. The most extensively illustrated book on this topic with techniques, methods and designs. Spanish text. More on Spanish and Moorish Rugs
Simcox, Jacqueline Chinese Textiles and Works of Art Jacqueline Simcox London 2005 38 color plates 32 pp. 9.5 x 11.5 Paperback in Near Fine condition Priced catalog from this famed dealer of mainly Chinese textiles. 35 illustrations are of textiles including ancient Silk Road examples and a Tibetan textile document. More on Chinese Textiles
‡ Sotsu Jyu Kinen Some Irodori Minagawa Gekka Ten [The Art of Dyeing: Exhibition in Celebration of the 90th Birthday of Minagawa Gekka] Asahi Shimbun Osaka 1982 87 color plates 174 pp. 8.75 x 10.75 Paperback in Very Good condition. Wear to edges. Traveling exhibition of the works of Minagawa Gekka (1892-1987) in honor of his 90th birthday. Minagawa is perhaps Japan's best known 20th century textile artist and dyer known for his large woven banners for public buildings and sacred architecture and also his high-end traditional Japanese costumes whose technical complexities keenly illustrate his extraordinary mastery of the kimono as an art form. Japanese text. More on Japanese Textiles
University of Pennsylvania Arabic Art / The Museum Journal: March 1922 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia 1922 15 color plates 31 black and white plates and figures 96 pp. 7 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition Articles include: Arabic Art; Beth-Shean; Recent Discoveries of Ancient Wampum Belts; Land Otter-Man; Five Royal Seal Cylinders; Stories on Greek Vases. Color plates are of Islamic tilework. More on Pre Islamic and Islamic Art
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
New Titles and a Dodger Victory!
Baseball season has started in the States and we are pleased to say
the mighty Los Angeles Dodgers have crushed the vile defending
world-champion San Francisco Giants on opening day. But because of our
magnanimity we will continue to pay sales tax for all Californians
including our friends in The Bay.
In other news we are proud to have been accepted as members of the Independent Online Booksellers Association.
For the third month, and only at, we have chosen 9 fresh titles for our $9 sale on 9 select titles.
We are pleased to offer 3 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 6 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
Bowie, Theodore Islamic Art Across the World Indiana University Art Museum Bloomington, IN 1970 61 black and white 76 pp. 8.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Tears to spine. Deaccessioned from a museum library with usual marks. University art museum exhibition catalog.
More on Pre Islamic and Islamic Art
Bregel, Yuri
Historical Atlas of Central Asia: Handbook of Oriental Studies/Handbuch
Der Orientalistik - Part 8: Uralic & Central Asian Studies, 9 Brill
Leiden/Boston 2003 47 color maps 110 pp. 11.25 x 14.75 Hardback in New
condition in publisher's shrinkwrap. Corner bumped. An essential
resource for those interested in Central Asia and its people, this book
contains 47 maps covering the 4th century BC to the present. "Each map
is accompanied by a text which gives a concise survey of the main events
of the political and ethnic history of the respective period. With
special maps on the distribution of the Turkmen, Uzbek, Kazakh, and
Kyrgyz tribes in the 19th-20th centuries, as well as the location of
major archaeological sites and architectural monuments." -Back Cover.
More Maps
Ikuo Hirayama and the Silk Road: From West to East - New Works and Relics of the Desert [Ancient Orient Museum?] [Japan] 1989 69 color plates 15 black and white 1 map 122 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Silk Road inspired art from this revered traditional Japanese artist along with ancient silk road sculpture, textiles and paintings. Japanese text with English plate captions. More on the Silk Road
Kuhnel, Ernst The Arabesque: Meaning and Transformation of an Ornament Verlag fur Sammler Graz 1949 (1977) 39 black and white illustrations 43 pp. of text 9 .5 x 6.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition
More on Pre Islamic and Islamic Art
‡Lee Kyung Ja, Hong Na Young, and Chang Sook Hwan Traditional Korean Costume: The History of Hanbok and Its Ornaments Global Oriental Kent 2007 Over 600 color and black and white 335 pp. 8.25 x 7.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition Chapters on headdresses, hair ornaments, accessories, shoes, jackets and vests, pants, skirts and socks, and coats.
More on Korean Textiles
‡Nakagaki, Nobuo and Yoshifumi Hayase
Dragon Robes of China: Exhibition Catalogue / Chung-kuo chin hsiu. Chuugoku kin shuu Japan
Foundation [Tokyo] 1982 76 color plates 59 black and white
illustrations 64 pp. 8.25 x 10 Paperback in Very Good condition. Minor
edgewear and spotting. Scarce catalog of an exhibition held at the
Laforet Museum, Tokyo of Chinese textiles. Japanese text with list of
the exhibits in English.
More on Chinese Textiles
Pinkwart, Doris and Elisabeth Steiner Bergama Cuvallari. Die Schmucksäcke der Yürüken Nordwestanatoliens [Bergama Cuvallari: The Bags of the Yürük of Northwestern Anatolia] Uta Hülsey Wesel 1991 282 color plates 240 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in dustjacket in As New condition GWO 1308. A dissertation on a group of bags made and used in Turkish village and nomadic life. Study was based on extensive field research and investigation. German text with English captioned plates.
More on Anatolian/Turkish Rugs and Kilims
Schevill, Margot Blum with an historical essay by Christopher H. Lutz Maya Textiles of Guatemala University of Texas Press Austin 1993 159 color plates 75 black and white 112 figures 295 pp. 8.5 x 12 Hardback without dustjacket in Very Good condition A social-cultural history of Mayan textiles in Guatamala based on the 1902 Gustavus A. Eisen Collection at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California Berkeley. 222 textiles and garments from the 19th century are shown and described. Includes introductory texts on the expressive nature of Mayan textiles, the history of the collection, a biography of Gustave A. Eisen and the social aspects of textile production. [CSROT 4743].
More on Central American Textiles
‡Tomm, Arwed
Faszination Kelim. Gewebte Kunst aus Anatolien [Kilim Fascination: Woven Art from Anatolia] Arwed
Tomm Aachen [2013] 154 color plates 2 maps 198 pp. 8.25 x 11.75
Paperback in As New condition The Tomm collection of 70 antique Turkish
flatweaves described and shown in color along with a dissertation on the
production and use in rural and nomadic households, tips for collecting
and preservation. The emphasis of this collection is on originality,
color palette and design rather than condition. Non-Teutonic print
quality. German text.
More on Anatolian/Turkish Rugs and Kilims
In other news we are proud to have been accepted as members of the Independent Online Booksellers Association.
For the third month, and only at, we have chosen 9 fresh titles for our $9 sale on 9 select titles.
We are pleased to offer 3 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 6 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
Bowie, Theodore Islamic Art Across the World Indiana University Art Museum Bloomington, IN 1970 61 black and white 76 pp. 8.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Tears to spine. Deaccessioned from a museum library with usual marks. University art museum exhibition catalog.
More on Pre Islamic and Islamic Art
More Maps
Ikuo Hirayama and the Silk Road: From West to East - New Works and Relics of the Desert [Ancient Orient Museum?] [Japan] 1989 69 color plates 15 black and white 1 map 122 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Silk Road inspired art from this revered traditional Japanese artist along with ancient silk road sculpture, textiles and paintings. Japanese text with English plate captions. More on the Silk Road
Kuhnel, Ernst The Arabesque: Meaning and Transformation of an Ornament Verlag fur Sammler Graz 1949 (1977) 39 black and white illustrations 43 pp. of text 9 .5 x 6.5 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition
More on Pre Islamic and Islamic Art
‡Lee Kyung Ja, Hong Na Young, and Chang Sook Hwan Traditional Korean Costume: The History of Hanbok and Its Ornaments Global Oriental Kent 2007 Over 600 color and black and white 335 pp. 8.25 x 7.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition Chapters on headdresses, hair ornaments, accessories, shoes, jackets and vests, pants, skirts and socks, and coats.
More on Korean Textiles
More on Chinese Textiles
Pinkwart, Doris and Elisabeth Steiner Bergama Cuvallari. Die Schmucksäcke der Yürüken Nordwestanatoliens [Bergama Cuvallari: The Bags of the Yürük of Northwestern Anatolia] Uta Hülsey Wesel 1991 282 color plates 240 pp. 8.5 x 11 Paperback in dustjacket in As New condition GWO 1308. A dissertation on a group of bags made and used in Turkish village and nomadic life. Study was based on extensive field research and investigation. German text with English captioned plates.
More on Anatolian/Turkish Rugs and Kilims
Schevill, Margot Blum with an historical essay by Christopher H. Lutz Maya Textiles of Guatemala University of Texas Press Austin 1993 159 color plates 75 black and white 112 figures 295 pp. 8.5 x 12 Hardback without dustjacket in Very Good condition A social-cultural history of Mayan textiles in Guatamala based on the 1902 Gustavus A. Eisen Collection at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California Berkeley. 222 textiles and garments from the 19th century are shown and described. Includes introductory texts on the expressive nature of Mayan textiles, the history of the collection, a biography of Gustave A. Eisen and the social aspects of textile production. [CSROT 4743].
More on Central American Textiles
More on Anatolian/Turkish Rugs and Kilims
Thursday, February 28, 2013
March News and New Books Offered
The San Francisco Antique Rug and Textile Show
has announced October 17-22 as the dates for 2013. Over 30
international dealers will be exhibiting at the Motel Capri and by
popular request the $500 and Under Room will be back as well as a
show-and-tell and lectures.
For the second month, and only at, we are having a $9 sale on 9 select books.
We are pleased to offer 11 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 5 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
We are saddened hear from his son Leo that long time Chicago area Oriental rug collector and aficionado Maury Bynum has passed away at the age of 80.
‡ Aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne. Japanische Textilien aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld [From the Land of the Rising Sun. Japanese Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum Krefeld] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2004 12 color plates 12 pp. 4 x 8 Paperback in New condition Exhibition pamphlet of Japanese costumes and other textiles from the Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld. German text. More on Japanese Textiles
‡Bendt, Vera Afrikanische Textilien aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld [African Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum Krefeld] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2007 94 color plates 98 pp. 8.25 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Textile Museum Krefeld exhibition catalog of their holdings of West African textiles. German text. More on African Textiles
‡Bergemann, Uta-Christiane ed. Europäische Stickereien 1650-1850. [European Embroidery 1650-1850] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2006 187 color plates 266 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Near Fine condition Krefeld Textile Museum exhibition catalog. German text. More on European Textiles
Billeter, Erika Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich Sammlungskatalog 2 Aussereuropäische Textilien [Museum of Decorative Arts Zurich Collection Catalogue 2 Non-European Textiles] Kunstgewerbemuseums Zurich 1980 1 color plate 400 black and white 203 pp. 8 x 8.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Wear to edges. Non-European textile holdings of Swiss museum including Coptic, PreColumbian, and Oriental rugs and textiles. More on Islamic Textiles
‡Bregel, Yuri ed. Bibliography of Islamic Central Asia. Part III: Archaeology, Numismatics, Architecture, Visual Arts, Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Historical Geography, Historiography, Bibliography, Addenda, Indexes Indiana University Press Bloomington 1995 792 pp. 8.5 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition This volume of the comprehensive Indiana University Research for Inner Asian Studies bibliography includes the listings for rugs and textiles, ceramics and glass, jewelry, metalwork, calligraphy and art of the book, miniatures, wall paintings, and rock drawings. More on Textile Reference
The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club Volume 18 Numbers 1 and 2 1934: The Art of Batik in Java by Tassilo Adam. Needle and Bobbin Club New York 1934 43 black and white 95 pp. 7.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Faint blindstamp from the Philadelphia Museum of Art on cover. More on Indonesian Textiles
‡ The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club Volume 12 Number 2 1935: Embroidery and Botany by Margaret Harrington Daniels / An Adoration of the Magi in Embroidery by Phyllis Ackerman Needle and Bobbin Club New York 1934 10 black and white 95 pp. 7.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Faint blindstamp from the Philadelphia Museum of Art on cover. More on European Textiles
‡Carlson, Uwe Botschaften an die Götter. Textilien aus dem Alten Peru [Messages to the Gods: Textiles from Ancient Peru] Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 2009 36 color plates 10 black and white figures 30 pp. 6 x 8.25 Paperback in New condition Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld exhibition catalog of Precolumbian textiles More on Pre-Columbian Textiles
‡Darchen, Karma Trinley [Rupert Smith] Secrets of Tibetan Weaving: The Greensmith Collection The Greensmith Collection Chiang Mai 2012 184 color plates 112 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Paperback in New condition A collection of Tibetan carpets and textiles with illustrations of weavers and dyers. Chapters include *The Origins of Tibetan Weaving *Looms and Techniques *The Making of Tibetan Rugs *Chequer Rugs (Shomig) *Cushions *Gampa Dzong Carpets *Gyantse Carpets *Horse Trappings *Wangden Monastic Carpets More on Tibetan Rugs and Himalayan Textiles
‡Moraga, Vanessa Drake Weaving Abstraction: Kuba Textiles and the Woven Art of Central Africa The Textile Museum Washington DC 2011 218 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Paperback in New condition. Corner bumped. Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog presents 142 never-before-published African textiles and baskets from the outstanding private collections and objects that were donated to The Textile Museum. More on African Textiles
‡Paetz gen. Schieck, Annette. Aus Gräbern geborgen. Koptische Textilien aus eigener Sammlung [Excavated from Tombs: Coptic Textiles from Private Collections] Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 2003 235 color plates 112 pp. 8 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld exhibition catalog of Coptic weavings. German text. More on Coptic Textiles
Schumann, Dr. Carl-Wolfgang Oriental Textiles, A Composer's Collection Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 1996 5 color plates 196 black and white 112 pp. 8 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Richard Farber collection of Central Asian textiles on exhibition at the Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld. Suzanis and caps, including women's hats are represented. Mostly German text. More on Central Asian Textiles, Suzanis, and Ikats
Sumner, Christina and G. Petherbridge Bright Flowers: Textiles and Ceramics of Central Asia Powerhouse Museum Sydney 2004 120 color plates 32 black and white 159 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition Powerhouse Museum exhibition catalog of suzani, horse blankets and robes from the State Museum collections of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Karakalpakstan along with a few from the Powerhouse. More on Central Asian Textiles, Suzanis, and Ikats
‡Tamarapa, Awhina ed. Whatu Kakahu: Maori Cloaks Te Papa Press Wellington 2011 236 color plates 24 historical black and white photos 63 figures of weaving techniques 200 pp. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition This sumptuous book opens Te Papa’s storeroom doors to reveal its magnificent collection of kakahu (cloaks), and the art and traditions of weaving.**With contributions from six expert authors, the book shows how weaving is steeped in the fundamental spiritual values of Ma-ori. The first Ma-ori settlers adapted their established weaving traditions to incorporate materials they encountered in their new home. Alongside practical items, they wove exceptional cloaks that bestowed great mana on wearer and weaver.**The book focuses on forty precious and seldom-seen cloaks from Te Papa, and is packed with all-new photographs, diagrams, and insights from master weavers. More on Pacific Island Weavings
‡Tietzel, Brigitte Italienische Seidengewebe des 13., 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts [Italian Silk from the 13th, 14th and 15th Century] Oberstadtdirektor der Stadt Krefeld Koln 1984 18 color plates 144 black and white 480 pp. 6.75 x 9.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Cover shows wear. Interior crisp. Kataloge des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld, Band. 1 on Medieval Italian silks with technical analysis. German text. More on Silk
Volger, Gisela and K.V. Welck ed. Indonesian Textiles: Symposium 1985. With a supplement by Brigitte Khan Majlis; New Acquisitions in Krefeld and Cologne Rauthenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne 1991 49 color plates 334 black and white 295 pp. 8.5 x 10.5 Hardback in New condition Proceedings of the symposium on Indonesian textiles held in 1985. Papers by prominent scholars in the field including Ruth Barnes, Mattiebelle Gittinger, Robert Holmgren, Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff, Anita Spertus, Suwati Kartiwa, and Sandra Niessen. More on Indonesian Textiles
For the second month, and only at, we are having a $9 sale on 9 select books.
We are pleased to offer 11 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 5 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
We are saddened hear from his son Leo that long time Chicago area Oriental rug collector and aficionado Maury Bynum has passed away at the age of 80.
‡ Aus dem Land der aufgehenden Sonne. Japanische Textilien aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld [From the Land of the Rising Sun. Japanese Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum Krefeld] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2004 12 color plates 12 pp. 4 x 8 Paperback in New condition Exhibition pamphlet of Japanese costumes and other textiles from the Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld. German text. More on Japanese Textiles
‡Bendt, Vera Afrikanische Textilien aus der Sammlung des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld [African Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum Krefeld] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2007 94 color plates 98 pp. 8.25 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Textile Museum Krefeld exhibition catalog of their holdings of West African textiles. German text. More on African Textiles
‡Bergemann, Uta-Christiane ed. Europäische Stickereien 1650-1850. [European Embroidery 1650-1850] Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Krefeld 2006 187 color plates 266 pp. 8.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Near Fine condition Krefeld Textile Museum exhibition catalog. German text. More on European Textiles
Billeter, Erika Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich Sammlungskatalog 2 Aussereuropäische Textilien [Museum of Decorative Arts Zurich Collection Catalogue 2 Non-European Textiles] Kunstgewerbemuseums Zurich 1980 1 color plate 400 black and white 203 pp. 8 x 8.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Wear to edges. Non-European textile holdings of Swiss museum including Coptic, PreColumbian, and Oriental rugs and textiles. More on Islamic Textiles
‡Bregel, Yuri ed. Bibliography of Islamic Central Asia. Part III: Archaeology, Numismatics, Architecture, Visual Arts, Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Historical Geography, Historiography, Bibliography, Addenda, Indexes Indiana University Press Bloomington 1995 792 pp. 8.5 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition This volume of the comprehensive Indiana University Research for Inner Asian Studies bibliography includes the listings for rugs and textiles, ceramics and glass, jewelry, metalwork, calligraphy and art of the book, miniatures, wall paintings, and rock drawings. More on Textile Reference
The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club Volume 18 Numbers 1 and 2 1934: The Art of Batik in Java by Tassilo Adam. Needle and Bobbin Club New York 1934 43 black and white 95 pp. 7.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Faint blindstamp from the Philadelphia Museum of Art on cover. More on Indonesian Textiles
‡ The Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club Volume 12 Number 2 1935: Embroidery and Botany by Margaret Harrington Daniels / An Adoration of the Magi in Embroidery by Phyllis Ackerman Needle and Bobbin Club New York 1934 10 black and white 95 pp. 7.5 x 10 Paperback in Good condition. Faint blindstamp from the Philadelphia Museum of Art on cover. More on European Textiles
‡Carlson, Uwe Botschaften an die Götter. Textilien aus dem Alten Peru [Messages to the Gods: Textiles from Ancient Peru] Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 2009 36 color plates 10 black and white figures 30 pp. 6 x 8.25 Paperback in New condition Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld exhibition catalog of Precolumbian textiles More on Pre-Columbian Textiles
‡Darchen, Karma Trinley [Rupert Smith] Secrets of Tibetan Weaving: The Greensmith Collection The Greensmith Collection Chiang Mai 2012 184 color plates 112 pp. 8.25 x 11.75 Paperback in New condition A collection of Tibetan carpets and textiles with illustrations of weavers and dyers. Chapters include *The Origins of Tibetan Weaving *Looms and Techniques *The Making of Tibetan Rugs *Chequer Rugs (Shomig) *Cushions *Gampa Dzong Carpets *Gyantse Carpets *Horse Trappings *Wangden Monastic Carpets More on Tibetan Rugs and Himalayan Textiles
‡Moraga, Vanessa Drake Weaving Abstraction: Kuba Textiles and the Woven Art of Central Africa The Textile Museum Washington DC 2011 218 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Paperback in New condition. Corner bumped. Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog presents 142 never-before-published African textiles and baskets from the outstanding private collections and objects that were donated to The Textile Museum. More on African Textiles
‡Paetz gen. Schieck, Annette. Aus Gräbern geborgen. Koptische Textilien aus eigener Sammlung [Excavated from Tombs: Coptic Textiles from Private Collections] Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 2003 235 color plates 112 pp. 8 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld exhibition catalog of Coptic weavings. German text. More on Coptic Textiles
Schumann, Dr. Carl-Wolfgang Oriental Textiles, A Composer's Collection Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld Krefeld 1996 5 color plates 196 black and white 112 pp. 8 x 10.5 Paperback in New condition Richard Farber collection of Central Asian textiles on exhibition at the Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld. Suzanis and caps, including women's hats are represented. Mostly German text. More on Central Asian Textiles, Suzanis, and Ikats
Sumner, Christina and G. Petherbridge Bright Flowers: Textiles and Ceramics of Central Asia Powerhouse Museum Sydney 2004 120 color plates 32 black and white 159 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in Very Good condition Powerhouse Museum exhibition catalog of suzani, horse blankets and robes from the State Museum collections of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Karakalpakstan along with a few from the Powerhouse. More on Central Asian Textiles, Suzanis, and Ikats
‡Tamarapa, Awhina ed. Whatu Kakahu: Maori Cloaks Te Papa Press Wellington 2011 236 color plates 24 historical black and white photos 63 figures of weaving techniques 200 pp. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition This sumptuous book opens Te Papa’s storeroom doors to reveal its magnificent collection of kakahu (cloaks), and the art and traditions of weaving.**With contributions from six expert authors, the book shows how weaving is steeped in the fundamental spiritual values of Ma-ori. The first Ma-ori settlers adapted their established weaving traditions to incorporate materials they encountered in their new home. Alongside practical items, they wove exceptional cloaks that bestowed great mana on wearer and weaver.**The book focuses on forty precious and seldom-seen cloaks from Te Papa, and is packed with all-new photographs, diagrams, and insights from master weavers. More on Pacific Island Weavings
‡Tietzel, Brigitte Italienische Seidengewebe des 13., 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts [Italian Silk from the 13th, 14th and 15th Century] Oberstadtdirektor der Stadt Krefeld Koln 1984 18 color plates 144 black and white 480 pp. 6.75 x 9.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Cover shows wear. Interior crisp. Kataloge des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld, Band. 1 on Medieval Italian silks with technical analysis. German text. More on Silk
Volger, Gisela and K.V. Welck ed. Indonesian Textiles: Symposium 1985. With a supplement by Brigitte Khan Majlis; New Acquisitions in Krefeld and Cologne Rauthenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne 1991 49 color plates 334 black and white 295 pp. 8.5 x 10.5 Hardback in New condition Proceedings of the symposium on Indonesian textiles held in 1985. Papers by prominent scholars in the field including Ruth Barnes, Mattiebelle Gittinger, Robert Holmgren, Marie-Louise Nabholz-Kartaschoff, Anita Spertus, Suwati Kartiwa, and Sandra Niessen. More on Indonesian Textiles
Monday, February 4, 2013
February News and New Books
This is a big month for the world of antique rugs and textiles in
California. In San Francisco on February 7-10 is the 27th annual Caskey-Lees Tribal and Textile Arts Show, one of the best in the world. At the same time there will be several Oriental rug dealers setting up shop at the Motel Capri, home of the annual October Antique Rug and Textile Show. At 10AM on Saturday the 9th at the de Young Museum Rudolf Smend is giving a lecture on Indonesian
batik and later, at 1PM Dr. Elena Tsareva will hold a talk on Central Asian carpets.
Last month the Textile Museum Associates of Southern California was pleased to host a talk by Francis Plunkett on her wonderful Baluchi saltbag collection. If you are not a member of a rug/textile club I heartily recommend it.
In other news, and only at, we are having a $9 sale on 9 select books.
We still offer free media mail shipping to US addresses but sadly the post office has decided to raise their international rates. We continue to send books throughout the world by the most economical means possible.
We are pleased to offer 6 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 14 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
Wishing you a joyous Year of the Water Snake!
Amirkhan, Ellen and Aaron Groseclose A Comprehensive Guide to Oriental and Specialty Rug Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning Company, Inc. Dallas 2006 (2008) Over 900 illustrations 403 pp. 8.5 x 11 Spiralbound in New condition This 19 chapter book is the first of its kind written for the rug cleaning professional. Many books have been written on oriental rugs with an emphasis on history, structure, culture and identification with cleaning as an afterthought. Many of these authors have limited firsthand experience with the challenges of day-to-day commercial rug cleaning and repair. Of particular interest to the restoration industry, this book covers effective procedures for handling smoke damaged, sewage, mold and fungal contaminated rugs. This information is new, has not appeared elsewhere, and was written specifically for this book. Over 900 photographs, maps and drawings illustrate how to inspect and clean rugs most commonly encountered in a rug cleaning business. Drawing upon their years of cleaning, teaching, appraising, and visiting the most respected and successful companies in the country, the authors combined research with firsthand knowledge in developing the most comprehensive guide in the rug cleaning industry. The book has practical how-to steps for identifying problem rugs, inspection procedures, cleaning methods and how to set-up a rug cleaning facility. Your knowledge is the best marketing tool in building your business.
Andrews, Peter and Siawosch Azadi et al. Wie Blumen in Der Wüste: Die Kultur Der Turkmenischen Nomadenstämme Zentralasiens (Like Flowers in the Desert: The Nomadic Culture of the Turkmen Tribes of Central Asia) NOK Hamburg 1993 127 color plates 210 pp. 8 x 12 Hardback in Very Good condition Celebrated Turkoman rug exhibit at the 7th International Conference on Oriental Carpets with contributions from leading German collectors. Includes the entire range of Turkmen piled woven pieces from main carpets to dizlyks. German text.
Atasoy, Nurhan Otag-i Humayun: The Ottoman Imperial Tent Complex Aygaz Istanbul 2000 211 color plates 304 pp. 11.75 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket and slipcase in Very Good condition Massive and important title. Winner of the 2005 R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award. 81 color illustrations are taken from Turkish miniatures. 99 are from Turkish museums and 51 are from European museum collections.
Billeter, Erika Kunstgewerbemuseum Zurich Sammlungs - Katalog 2 Aussereuropäische Textilien Kunstgewerbemuseums Zurich 1980 1 color plate 400 black and white 203 pp. 8 x 8.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Wear to edges. Non-European textile holdings of Swiss museum including Coptic, PreColumbian, and Oriental rugs and textiles.
Christie's New York Blossoms, Beasts and Botehs: Fine Oriental Rugs and Carpets including the C. Meyer-Muller Collection (Part III) Feb. 8, 1992 Christie's New York 1992 Sale #7404. Includes prices realized.
Dell, Elizabeth and Sandra Dudley eds. Textiles from Burma: Featuring the James Henry Green Collection Art Media Resources Chicago 2003 140 color plates 30 black and white 192 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition The strength of this book is that it displays not only old textiles from the 19th and early 20th century but also new textiles from various regions.The Green centre in Brighton has been carefully collecting new textiles from weavers so as to understand weaving methods, the use of the textile, its meaning and placement in social context. This book is beautifully illustrated throughout in colour and has sections devoted to most of the major ethnic groups with a few of the textile types common to each illustrated. It also has sections on Court Dress, textile texts (sazigyo) and the weavings done in refugee camps. -K. Maxwell
‡ Denny, Walter and Sumru Krody The Sultan's Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art The Textile Museum Washington DC 2012 192 pp. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog chronicles how one of the world's most powerful empires adopted a singular artistic style and how that style gained lasting influence in the region. Just as the brands of today strive to do - from political candidates to consumer products - The Ottoman Empire represented itself at home and abroad through a single, instantly recognizable visual aesthetic. The stylized tulips, roses, carnations, and other flowers came to embody the influence of the empire, and continue to epitomize the arts of Turkey. Through 58 works of art drawn from the best of The Textiles Museum's collections and private and institutional loans "The Sultan's Garden" reveals the lasting impact of this stylistic revolution. Includes court costume, horse adornment, vestments, carpets, brocaded silks, velvets, and furnishings from The Textile Museum. Additional exceptional pieces are drawn from private collections, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Saint Louis Art Museum.
‡ Denny, Walter and Sumru Krody The Sultan's Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art in Paperback.
‡ Fang, Hongjun et al. Classics of the Forbidden City: Illustrated Dictionary of Qing Dynasty Court Costumes The Forbidden City Publishing House Beijing 2010 350 color plates 307 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Slipcase in New condition During the Qing dynasty, the last under imperial rule, many aspects of Chinese social development reached a political, economic and cultural peak. The effects of such can be seen in the elaborately detailed costumes and robes worn in China during that period. Of course, the highest level of dress was reserved for the Qing court; and this volume, from Forbidden City Press, does a splendid job of documenting those costumes through its rich collection from the Qing era. -Publisher. Includes jewelry, hats and other accoutrements. 214 examples are shown and includes 73 illustrations of Ceremonial Court Robes, 118 of Auspicious Court Robes, 30 of Informal Court Robes, 14 of Travel Costumes, 46 of Military Uniforms, and 177 of Leisure Clothing. A glorious book. Chinese text with English chapter headings.
Galloway, Francesca Asian Textiles, Indian Miniatures and Works of Art 2000 Francesca Galloway London 2000 97 Color Plates 128 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Dealer exhibition and sales catalog. 22 examples are of textiles from the Silk Road period, China and India.
Halevim, Davide Oasi. Memorie e Fascino del Turkestan Orientale [Oasis: Memories and Charm of East Turkestan] Davide Halevim (Milano) 1999 20 color plates 54 pp. 8 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition Major dealer exhibition catalog of 18th-19th century Oriental carpets from East Turkestan including Khotan, Yarkard, Kashgar. Italian/English/French text.
Hamilton, Roy W. ed. From the Rainbow's Varied Hue: Textiles of the Southern Philippines Fowler Museum Los Angeles 1998 215 color and black and white illustrations 183 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in New condition Exhibition catalog of Philippine textiles from the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History Textile Series I.
‡ Inalcik, Halil Studies in the History of Textiles in Turkey Türkiye Is¸ Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari Istanbul 2011 94 color plates 360 pp. 9 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition This epic work chronicles the development of the Turkish textile industry all the way from its world dominance in the 16th century, to its decline with the beginning of the European Industrial Revolution, before it reemerged once again on the world stage in the 1960s. This colorful book, adorned with intricate paintings and maps, is a product of 50 years of academic work, and presents a scholarly picture of Anatolia's ancient textile tradition through the modern day. Includes carpets. English language edition.
‡ Jumaev, Koregdee Bukhara Embroidering of XIX-XX Century / Bucharastickerei des XIX. und XX. Jahrhunderts The Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara [2006] 22 pp. 8 x 8 Paperback in New condition English and German language pamphlet on the origins of suzani and other Central Asian embroidery fully illustrated in color.
Kangal, Selmin ed. 18th-19th Century Anatolian Kilims: Gülgönen Collection / 18.-19. Yuzyil Anadolu Kilimleri: Gülgönen Koleksiyonu Vehbi Koç Vakfi Istanbul 2011 218 color plates 379 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition A selection of the Gulgonen collection exhibited at the Turkish Museum of Islamic Arts (TIEM) with full-page color illustrations and commentary by Rahmi M. Koc, Seacettin Sahin, Brigitte-Ayan Gulgonen, Ferit Edgu, Serife Atilhan and Seref Ozen. English/Turkish text.
‡ Moraga, Vanessa Drake Weaving Abstraction: Kuba Textiles and the Woven Art of Central Africa The Textile Museum Washington DC 2011 218 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Paperback in New condition. Corner bumped. Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog presents 142 never-before-published African textiles and baskets from the outstanding private collections and objects that were donated to The Textile Museum.
Powell, Josephine et al. 18th and 19th Century Anatolian Kilims, The Brigitte and Ayan Gulgonen Collection Milli Reasurans T. A. S. Istanbul 2006 59 color plates 88 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Paperback in New condition Published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Milli Reasurans Sanat Art Gallery. Articles by Josephine Powell, Ayan Gulgonen and Seref Ozen. Turkish-English text.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Accessory - China Linda Wrigglesworth, Ltd. London 1991 50 color plates 43 pp. 6 x 8.5 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales and exhibition catalog of antique Chinese textiles, beads, shoes, hats, hair ornaments and sleeve bands.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Badge of Rank China Linda Wrigglesworth London 1990 40 color plates 47 pp. 6 x 8.5 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales and exhibition catalog of these antique Chinese textiles also known as Mandarin squares.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Badge of Rank II China Linda Wrigglesworth London 1991 42 color plates 48 pp. 8.5 x 6 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales exhibition catalog of Chinese rank badges also know as Mandarin squares.
Last month the Textile Museum Associates of Southern California was pleased to host a talk by Francis Plunkett on her wonderful Baluchi saltbag collection. If you are not a member of a rug/textile club I heartily recommend it.
In other news, and only at, we are having a $9 sale on 9 select books.
We still offer free media mail shipping to US addresses but sadly the post office has decided to raise their international rates. We continue to send books throughout the world by the most economical means possible.
We are pleased to offer 6 new titles marked with a ‡ as well as 14 books that are now back in stock. You can keep current on our offerings by visiting our New Additions page.
Wishing you a joyous Year of the Water Snake!
Amirkhan, Ellen and Aaron Groseclose A Comprehensive Guide to Oriental and Specialty Rug Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning Company, Inc. Dallas 2006 (2008) Over 900 illustrations 403 pp. 8.5 x 11 Spiralbound in New condition This 19 chapter book is the first of its kind written for the rug cleaning professional. Many books have been written on oriental rugs with an emphasis on history, structure, culture and identification with cleaning as an afterthought. Many of these authors have limited firsthand experience with the challenges of day-to-day commercial rug cleaning and repair. Of particular interest to the restoration industry, this book covers effective procedures for handling smoke damaged, sewage, mold and fungal contaminated rugs. This information is new, has not appeared elsewhere, and was written specifically for this book. Over 900 photographs, maps and drawings illustrate how to inspect and clean rugs most commonly encountered in a rug cleaning business. Drawing upon their years of cleaning, teaching, appraising, and visiting the most respected and successful companies in the country, the authors combined research with firsthand knowledge in developing the most comprehensive guide in the rug cleaning industry. The book has practical how-to steps for identifying problem rugs, inspection procedures, cleaning methods and how to set-up a rug cleaning facility. Your knowledge is the best marketing tool in building your business.
Andrews, Peter and Siawosch Azadi et al. Wie Blumen in Der Wüste: Die Kultur Der Turkmenischen Nomadenstämme Zentralasiens (Like Flowers in the Desert: The Nomadic Culture of the Turkmen Tribes of Central Asia) NOK Hamburg 1993 127 color plates 210 pp. 8 x 12 Hardback in Very Good condition Celebrated Turkoman rug exhibit at the 7th International Conference on Oriental Carpets with contributions from leading German collectors. Includes the entire range of Turkmen piled woven pieces from main carpets to dizlyks. German text.
Atasoy, Nurhan Otag-i Humayun: The Ottoman Imperial Tent Complex Aygaz Istanbul 2000 211 color plates 304 pp. 11.75 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket and slipcase in Very Good condition Massive and important title. Winner of the 2005 R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award. 81 color illustrations are taken from Turkish miniatures. 99 are from Turkish museums and 51 are from European museum collections.
Billeter, Erika Kunstgewerbemuseum Zurich Sammlungs - Katalog 2 Aussereuropäische Textilien Kunstgewerbemuseums Zurich 1980 1 color plate 400 black and white 203 pp. 8 x 8.5 Paperback in Very Good condition. Wear to edges. Non-European textile holdings of Swiss museum including Coptic, PreColumbian, and Oriental rugs and textiles.
Christie's New York Blossoms, Beasts and Botehs: Fine Oriental Rugs and Carpets including the C. Meyer-Muller Collection (Part III) Feb. 8, 1992 Christie's New York 1992 Sale #7404. Includes prices realized.
Dell, Elizabeth and Sandra Dudley eds. Textiles from Burma: Featuring the James Henry Green Collection Art Media Resources Chicago 2003 140 color plates 30 black and white 192 pp. 9 x 11 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition The strength of this book is that it displays not only old textiles from the 19th and early 20th century but also new textiles from various regions.The Green centre in Brighton has been carefully collecting new textiles from weavers so as to understand weaving methods, the use of the textile, its meaning and placement in social context. This book is beautifully illustrated throughout in colour and has sections devoted to most of the major ethnic groups with a few of the textile types common to each illustrated. It also has sections on Court Dress, textile texts (sazigyo) and the weavings done in refugee camps. -K. Maxwell
‡ Denny, Walter and Sumru Krody The Sultan's Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art The Textile Museum Washington DC 2012 192 pp. 9.75 x 11.75 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog chronicles how one of the world's most powerful empires adopted a singular artistic style and how that style gained lasting influence in the region. Just as the brands of today strive to do - from political candidates to consumer products - The Ottoman Empire represented itself at home and abroad through a single, instantly recognizable visual aesthetic. The stylized tulips, roses, carnations, and other flowers came to embody the influence of the empire, and continue to epitomize the arts of Turkey. Through 58 works of art drawn from the best of The Textiles Museum's collections and private and institutional loans "The Sultan's Garden" reveals the lasting impact of this stylistic revolution. Includes court costume, horse adornment, vestments, carpets, brocaded silks, velvets, and furnishings from The Textile Museum. Additional exceptional pieces are drawn from private collections, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Saint Louis Art Museum.
‡ Denny, Walter and Sumru Krody The Sultan's Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art in Paperback.
‡ Fang, Hongjun et al. Classics of the Forbidden City: Illustrated Dictionary of Qing Dynasty Court Costumes The Forbidden City Publishing House Beijing 2010 350 color plates 307 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Hardback in Slipcase in New condition During the Qing dynasty, the last under imperial rule, many aspects of Chinese social development reached a political, economic and cultural peak. The effects of such can be seen in the elaborately detailed costumes and robes worn in China during that period. Of course, the highest level of dress was reserved for the Qing court; and this volume, from Forbidden City Press, does a splendid job of documenting those costumes through its rich collection from the Qing era. -Publisher. Includes jewelry, hats and other accoutrements. 214 examples are shown and includes 73 illustrations of Ceremonial Court Robes, 118 of Auspicious Court Robes, 30 of Informal Court Robes, 14 of Travel Costumes, 46 of Military Uniforms, and 177 of Leisure Clothing. A glorious book. Chinese text with English chapter headings.
Galloway, Francesca Asian Textiles, Indian Miniatures and Works of Art 2000 Francesca Galloway London 2000 97 Color Plates 128 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Paperback in Very Good condition Dealer exhibition and sales catalog. 22 examples are of textiles from the Silk Road period, China and India.
Halevim, Davide Oasi. Memorie e Fascino del Turkestan Orientale [Oasis: Memories and Charm of East Turkestan] Davide Halevim (Milano) 1999 20 color plates 54 pp. 8 x 11 Hardback in Very Good condition Major dealer exhibition catalog of 18th-19th century Oriental carpets from East Turkestan including Khotan, Yarkard, Kashgar. Italian/English/French text.
Hamilton, Roy W. ed. From the Rainbow's Varied Hue: Textiles of the Southern Philippines Fowler Museum Los Angeles 1998 215 color and black and white illustrations 183 pp. 9 x 12 Paperback in New condition Exhibition catalog of Philippine textiles from the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History Textile Series I.
‡ Inalcik, Halil Studies in the History of Textiles in Turkey Türkiye Is¸ Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari Istanbul 2011 94 color plates 360 pp. 9 x 11.5 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition This epic work chronicles the development of the Turkish textile industry all the way from its world dominance in the 16th century, to its decline with the beginning of the European Industrial Revolution, before it reemerged once again on the world stage in the 1960s. This colorful book, adorned with intricate paintings and maps, is a product of 50 years of academic work, and presents a scholarly picture of Anatolia's ancient textile tradition through the modern day. Includes carpets. English language edition.
‡ Jumaev, Koregdee Bukhara Embroidering of XIX-XX Century / Bucharastickerei des XIX. und XX. Jahrhunderts The Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara [2006] 22 pp. 8 x 8 Paperback in New condition English and German language pamphlet on the origins of suzani and other Central Asian embroidery fully illustrated in color.
Kangal, Selmin ed. 18th-19th Century Anatolian Kilims: Gülgönen Collection / 18.-19. Yuzyil Anadolu Kilimleri: Gülgönen Koleksiyonu Vehbi Koç Vakfi Istanbul 2011 218 color plates 379 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Hardback in dustjacket in New condition A selection of the Gulgonen collection exhibited at the Turkish Museum of Islamic Arts (TIEM) with full-page color illustrations and commentary by Rahmi M. Koc, Seacettin Sahin, Brigitte-Ayan Gulgonen, Ferit Edgu, Serife Atilhan and Seref Ozen. English/Turkish text.
‡ Moraga, Vanessa Drake Weaving Abstraction: Kuba Textiles and the Woven Art of Central Africa The Textile Museum Washington DC 2011 218 pp. 11.5 x 11.5 Paperback in New condition. Corner bumped. Fully illustrated in color, this exhibition catalog presents 142 never-before-published African textiles and baskets from the outstanding private collections and objects that were donated to The Textile Museum.
Powell, Josephine et al. 18th and 19th Century Anatolian Kilims, The Brigitte and Ayan Gulgonen Collection Milli Reasurans T. A. S. Istanbul 2006 59 color plates 88 pp. 9.5 x 12.5 Paperback in New condition Published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Milli Reasurans Sanat Art Gallery. Articles by Josephine Powell, Ayan Gulgonen and Seref Ozen. Turkish-English text.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Accessory - China Linda Wrigglesworth, Ltd. London 1991 50 color plates 43 pp. 6 x 8.5 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales and exhibition catalog of antique Chinese textiles, beads, shoes, hats, hair ornaments and sleeve bands.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Badge of Rank China Linda Wrigglesworth London 1990 40 color plates 47 pp. 6 x 8.5 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales and exhibition catalog of these antique Chinese textiles also known as Mandarin squares.
Wrigglesworth, Linda The Badge of Rank II China Linda Wrigglesworth London 1991 42 color plates 48 pp. 8.5 x 6 Hardback in Very Good condition Dealer sales exhibition catalog of Chinese rank badges also know as Mandarin squares.
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